
Nothing is worse than a bad lesson

I just got done with my voice lesson about half an hour ago, and it SUCKED! I don't know what the deal was. My head just wasn't in the game, as they say. I had a hard time with a song that I learned last week and should have had perfected this week, but didn't, and it's time like these I kick myself for being a quick learner and having high standards.
My teacher is older, in her seventies, and she's as sharp as a butcher's knife, cuts like one too. She never says outright "You Suck!" but she has her way phrasing things in a nice manner, but upon second examination, you realize she cut you up BAAAAD!
I love talking to the other freshman girls in her studio about her and her little sayings. Like, "Don't be artsy-craftsy. Just sing!" or "Don't pussy-foot it."
She's a funny old lady, except when I have a bad lesson. You know you have a bad lesson when she doesn't say it was a good one. Now I feel like crap and want to write on a sheet of paper a hundred times over "I will never have a bad lesson again. I will not disappoint my teacher." But then there are other singers who never practice and just get away with it, like my friend Meatloaf. She even has a "famous" teacher, but she doesn't get the glare of shame. Grrrr....
Being in the School of Music sucks sometimes.

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